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Message from Principal's Desk

The road to success is not to run upon seven league boots.

Step by step little by little, bit by bit that is the way to wisdom and that is the way to glory. Pounds are the sons not of pound but of pence “( Charles bacon)"

There is neither miraculous shortcut to success nor a magical leap forward that will give you crown instantly .Recognizing and respecting the creative pursuit of human being is the wonderful way of paying homage to the greatest creator God… every day is an opportunity to be creative . The canvas is the mind, the brushes and colours are the thoughts and feelings , the panorama is the story and the complete picture is a work of art called ‘Life’

We at aadharshila school provide the platform for learner’s creative urges to blossom naturally. We celebrate the journey of learning of our students and triumph of spirits to ride the waves of life. Initiatives are taken and plethora of activities are organized to make the academic session a journey both educative and eventful.

I seek the cooperation of the parents to render their full support and cooperation to promote the holistic development of their children

Mamta Sharma
